b u y i n g g u i d e
w a s h e r s & d r y e r s
when you’re ready to shop
Fill out the shopping checklist as a
reminder of what you learn here.
Maytag has the tools and information you need to make
the best buying decision. Just follow these four easy steps.
know what is best for you
g e t t i n g s ta r t e d
Co n s id e r t h e s e t h in g s :
• Will you wash large loads or bulky items often?
Knowing what kind of laundry pair you want will help you
narrow down the sea of in-store options to machines that
best meet your fabric care needs.
• Where do you plan to install your washer
and dryer?
• Do you plan to arrange your laundry pair
side-by-side or stacked?
Laundry Pairs:
There are three basic washer types – each with its own
corresponding dryer. When comparing the benefits and
usage requirements of each pair, also take note of capacity
and layout. These things will determine what type is best
for your home.
• Do you have any special fabric treatment needs?
High Efficiency
High Efficiency
Offers optimal washing performance.
Uses less water and energy than
top-loaders, and safely washes
delicate fabrics or bulky items.
No agitator – moves clothes
through water with wash plate.
Uses less water and energy than
traditional top-loaders.
These classic models are good
value. They offer a wide range
of sizes, features and prices.
These basic dryers offer
adjustable temperature settings
and multiple cycle options.
When used in conjunction with
the HE front-load washer, drying
times are shortened.
Some companion dryers have
steam cycles that remove odors
and wrinkles.
Comes in wide range of
Larger front-load models
generally offer more capacity
than most top-loaders.
Special wash plate creates
room in wash basket for
bulky items like comforters.
Can be arranged side-by-side
or stacked.
Side-by-side arrangement only.
Side-by-side arrangement only.
Generally none.
Low-sudsing High Efficiency
detergent is needed.
Periodically clean washtub as
directed to keep it fresh.
Low-sudsing High Efficiency
detergent is needed.
Steam dryers must connect
to water line.
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k n o w b e f o r e y o u g o
know your dimensions
m e a s u r e n o w , n o t l a t e r
ph o n e it in:
The following tasks should not be attempted
without the help of an appropriate professional if
you lack the experience or tools to do it alone.
No one wants to bring home a washer that won’t fit
where it belongs or a gas dryer that can’t be connected.
Make sure you take the following steps to ensure your
purchase process goes smoothly.
• Confirm that electrical output is sufficient for the
location of your new washer and dryer.
do it yo u r s e l f :
You will need:
• decide where you will install your new
washer and dryer.
a grounded electrical outlet within 4’ of
the rear of both machines (no extension
cord or adaptor)
You will need:
a level floor with no more than a 1” slope
A separate designated 30-amp circuit
A location that can support the installation
of a dryer exhaust system
• Set water heater to 120º for washer.
Hot and cold water lines within 3’ of
washer hookups
• Contact licensed gas or heating professional
if you plan on purchasing a gas dryer.
• Measure the height, width & depth of the area
Your home should have:
designated for your new washer and dryer.
A CST International approved gas supply line
A shut-off valve
Here’s how to measure:
W: side to side
• decide how you will dispose of your old
laundry pair, if necessary.
(add 1” on each side for
air circulation)
Some retailers offer removal of your old
D: back to front
machines when your new ones are delivered
(add at least 6” to depth for door
clearance, dryer vents, and hookups)
Washers and dryers in good condition may
be donated to a local charity
H: top to bottom
(for top-loading washers, add
at least 20” for door clearance)
• Measure the clearance of doorways,
hallways and other points of entry that will
be used to deliver your new laundry pair.
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